It's a good idea to reconcile your bank and credit card accounts every month to ensure that your QuickBooks account balances matched the account balances from you bank or credit card accounts. To reconcile your bank or credit card accounts, click the company menu, then select Reconcile, choose the account that you want to reconcile, then click Reconcile Now. Enter the statement date. Enter the ending balance for your statement. Intuit QuickBooks uses this balance to make sure that QuickBooks accounts matched exactly. Click okay. QuickBooks displays the reconciliation window. The left hand side includes all of your charges and cash advances. And the right hand column includes all of your payments and credits. The information at the bottom of the window is the information from the statement. Using your bank's statement, you'll select each transaction that appears on your statement and appears in QuickBooks. Select each charge or cash advance on the statement in the left hand column and each payment from the right side. Not every transaction will be selected, only the transactions that have cleared the bank. Once you get the difference to 0, you know that your bank statement ending balance matches the cleared balance in QuickBooks. That is all of that is required to reconcile your accounts in QuickBooks.